
•Ishan Project: 329/36•



The San Joaquin River ran drier this year. This drought has been one of the driest we’ve seen in over a 100 years, even before the time when mankind’s records began, so say many potamologists.

There is another kind of drought resonating around Chûndra’s lair today. It feeds Violet’s obsession for her, and Violet’s body still serves as a cradle for the larvae. As she hides in the shadows of the hallway waiting for Kalese, the larvae begin moving excitedly upon her suggestion. Kalese turns the corner, then she begins feeling a tingling sensation crawling along her left leg. She brushed off the irritation when suddenly a sharp pain struck her in her abdomen. She begins to panic now grasping for breath. As her vision finally adjust to the darkness, her consciousness wavers. And just before she passes out, the last thing she sees is Violet’s dark grin.

 CRADLE / Mixed Media / 5″ x 6″